Interlude, some trucking tales.
Stopped For Speeding ? ( 09/03/2009 )
I realise that the average ten bob fat has been so educated in the " speed kills " quasi-religion that their head is often right up their Corporate Nazi arse. Every day HGV drivers work to a tolerance of six inches on the wing mirrors at a closing speed of up to 100 Mph. HGV's have very few accidents per mile run compared to other road users despite the fact that 90% of them ignore the HGV speed limit.
But safety is all about calculated risks, perhaps theaverage ten bob fat cat do not have the required brain power ( probably full of crap ), but it is possible to learn a route down to the last minor detail.
For instance which car turns right where at what time. Route learning allows you to select a safe speed irrespective of the posted limit, its a bit like driving through an endless tunnel mapped out in four dimensions. If I don't know a road I rely on sensible speed limits and things like hazard lines, at 5am in fog on the A59 ( before the improvements ) all you need to keep your full attention on is lights in the distance, and travel at speed where you can easily slow down for such. Very remote chance of anything without lights being in the way.
When I was driving HGV's all the police new me and I only once got stopped for speeding, it was mid afternoon on the good B road from the A59 at Skipton up towards Grassington. I had accelerated up to and averaged 60Mph and touched 70 on Scalehouse straight when I was held up by several cars doing 50, checked my mirror and found that I had a traffic plod almost on my tail, I continued to follow the said cars and he started to flash me to stop on the bends coming into Craeco. ( the HGV limit is 40 )
I failed to stop immediately ( put the left hand indicator on ) but stopped dead in the middle of the following long straight, plod got out and came up to the cab asking to look at my tachograph. He said " have you been doing a lot of motorway work today " I replied with the lie that I had been running between Blackburn and Burnley on the M65, in actual fact I had been on A roads for most of the day. He paused for thought, then said " just keep it a bit nearer 40 in future, we have had a lot of complaints " and let me on my way without a producer or anything.
What allowed me to get away with it was that at no time did I ever stray out of my lane across the centre line or clip the curb. my golden rule, also sticking within the limits of Newton's laws of Motion. Speed limits are set low because most of the people on the roads haven't got the first clue about driving. On the railway you are not allowed to drive a train anywhere until you have completed route learning, and perhaps the same should apply to HGV drivers, but this almost impossible in these days of agency working.
Incidentally in 1991 I took an insurance test to drive buses for Ribble. The on the point of retirement company examiner remarked that I was the best driver he had had for three years, despite the fact that I had not driven anything on the road bigger than a Metro for three months. ( old bus with crash box no power steering )
Reminiscences 23/04/2009
It was a nice day on Sunday when I woke up and so I decided to go to the East Lancs Railway at Ramsbottom, bit early for the bluebells though. Motive power provided was a US transport corps S160 2-8-0, they ran here during the war but were not popular with the enginemen. The main problem was the steam reverser, either full gear or nothing so plenty of noise when she was pulling anywhere. They made a complete balls up of squeezing up coupling to the train when they ran round at Rawtenstall blaming it on the engine air brake. The run up the bank going up to Heywood was brilliant, set the railway banking afire. The Yankee whistle was also ear piercing, and used frequently, it made the Black Five I changed onto to go up to Heywood again seem tame by comparison.
I went to John Leach's funeral on Monday at Skipton crematorium, I had not seen him for two years but I once visited him weekly. We had some good debates over the years interspersed with lots of tales about his old days. One day he stated that he " just couldn't do it anymore ", but he had no viable answer to my position that the FTSE was only worth 4000. His memory of the old days had gone, but he then believed everything he read in the Daily Express, he didn't like it when I pointed out that serious journalists considered it to be a joke.
Joyce his only daughter and Merv her husband from down south were really pleased to see me, and Merv said that he would try to find a book I lent John and never got back.
Many knew him as " Jack " Leach even though his cousin the actual Jack Leach was also in the haulage business locally though not in a big way. Tales about John reveal a dark side to his character which ultimately destroyed him mentally. " The Groper " visiting freelance automotive electrician once told the story of how John made seven brews from the same tea bag. Being John they were expensive tea bags, but the brews produced were very weak, he did everything in a minimalist way, almost a hair shirt.
I believe that he left a medium sized suitcase full of documents, he would not put large sums in banks in case they went bust and was well into shares. John was fleet engineer at Duckworth's coaches at Gisburn well into his seventies and was once bollocked by the Ribble Valley environmental health officer for lighting the incinerator to burn the litter from the coaches. John replied that he had been lighting fires here for 60 years and nobody was going to tell him what he could and could not do.
Some of his most remarkable talents were from the 1930's, He was going to go and fight in the Spanish Civil war but the man said that he would have to sell his motorbike to pay for the fare out. That was the end of that, but he once stood up in a large public meeting in Manchester and stated that if the working man wanted to improve their standard of living they would have to learn to keep their dick in their pocket. He had to be escorted out after the uproar.
After working for a large haulage contractor at Trafford Park he wangled his way into a job as Ship's junior engineer. He was in the merchant marine at the onset of WW2, but invalided out due to a major injury to his leg still visible scar in old age. He got called up into the Royal Navy and served on aircraft carriers in the Indian ocean. After the war he worked for Rufus Car, mostly collecting vehicles from the large ex-army sales at places like Peterborough. That didn't last forever but he then got a Job as mobile service engineer for Perkins Diesel engines, covering the whole of northern England. He eventually ended up working for Manchester Corporation as a plant engineer, whilst they were building the water pipelines down from the lakes, that took him through to official retirement. Bit of a local character really, almost on a par with Colin Wiseman, who had been his lifelong friend.
A682 ( 19/05/2009 )
I live near the A682 and don't particularly find it to be a dangerous road as such, its high fatality rate is due to the following factors.
1. Said road is part of an unofficial bikers time trial from Nelson to Kirkby Lonsdale ( and back ) so many biker's ride like lunatics to start even though they don't really know the road. However that is not to say that experienced locals don't get caught out, one local rider claimed he hit a stone going into one of the 30 Mph bend's but as the gormless plod couldn't find it they blamed the fatality ( a couple of days afterwards ) on speed. There would appear to be other cases of locals being caught out ( not limited to A682 ) where it would appear that the only possible explanation for some accidents would be for the throttle to stick wide open making it impossible for the rider to negotiate the oncoming bend. One unfortunate biker was killed when he tried to overtake a farmer turning right into his small lane without signaling. Motorcyclists by far make up the bulk of A682 fatalities
2. Several cars also come to grief, usually on the reverse bends sections, probably due to driver incompetence more than anything. There are a few potentially dangerous junctions with minor roads which can cause problems and should be re modeled. Simple measures like ripping out the overgrow hedges would suffice in some locations, including some of the now overgrown hedge blind bends. Not that important a road though so no money available for the scale of improvement needed. Traffic is fairly light between Gisburn and Nelson
3. The A682 has more than its fair share of Leg-Irons so overtaking related accidents are common, very few safe opportunities for overtaking and frustration gets the better of many people. Perhaps many of the current chancy " hazard line " sections need to be replaced with solid white lines
The thing is that HGV's use the Gisburn - Long Preston section without major incident since minor modifications in the 1990s. They got rid of almost all with one notable exception the places where two HGV's travelling in opposite directions could not pass without removing the wing mirrors. HGV traffic is heavy and its common to work on six inch clearance on mirrors at up to 100 Mph closing speed
It must be obvious to anyone that the current driver training to pass car driving test is totally inadequate, candidates need to be trained and tested at up to NSL speed on a variety of fast A roads.
Back to the diary, May 2009
So Charles Clarke has said that he is ashamed to be Labour, the skeleton in his closet that he last month appeared on the BBC and suggested Toll Roads would be a good way of increasing tax revenue to cover public borrowing. Obviously the man is a dangerous Corporate Nazi with an agenda to curtail if not remove the basic freedoms we have fought for over the centuries. Toll Roads were voted on in Manchester fairly recently where 79% of the electorate rejected them despite a significant bribe from the government.
Just been half listening to your probable mate Yasmin alleged nice brown person ( on BBC news ) who appears to back your line that the BNP will go nowhere at the June 4th EU elections. I suspect that you are sadly mistaken, UKIP have been proven to be just as corrupt as the three main parties, as usual probably due to their common stock market parasite funding base. The more intelligent of the electorate are becoming increasingly desperate for a change from policies like appeasing the eco-fascists on bogus alleged man made climate change. High road fuel duty is crippling small businesses, Health & Safety policy is often totally ridiculous, costs over 100 quid to go on a course to climb ladders for instance. I have heard several cases where respectable business people are planning to vote BNP at the EU elections, I expect that many of their employees will do likewise just to jolt our Corporate Nazi establishment out of its sleepwalk before any manifestos are announced for the next general election.
Why would anybody want to support the eco-fascists, after all they do have plans to cut the population of the UK to 30 million, no way to do that without some form of future holocaust. Their entire ideology is based on bogus science which nobody is allowed to seriously question, quite the epitome of the fascist state they allege that the BNP represent.
Reclaiming Public Transport for the People ( 04/05/2009 )
Reclaiming Public Transport for the People
Thatcher's 1980s bus privatisation and deregulation has turned out to be a complete disaster for the bus customer. Although new and often extra mini-bus services were originally introduced, these these were soon withdrawn as uneconomic. Since then ( despite the fact that fuel tax can be reclaimed for timetabled services ) many services have been withdrawn. Only public subsidy keeps many of the more rural / urban services operating. This contraction in services may be in part due to the relatively high fares, it was cheaper to haul a ton of dry stone to our nearest town than the single bus fare.
We have now reached a stage where local councils subsidize almost all bus routes except those between major towns. Once upon a time private operators internally subsidised less popular routes, the main routes are very lucrative. Although I have not been familiar with bus operations recently, back in 1991 I spent six months working in a bus garage. It was quite common for the rush hour 225 service between Clitheroe and Bolton to take £280 for the three hour round trip. Even the most off peak services took over £60, about the same as a six wheel wagon with 15 tons of tarmac and turn a profit.
There are many factors in the current rip-off scenario of the bus operators. Take disabled access for public transport for instance, looked pretty good on face value, but it was just another excuse to force disabled people to work, when implemented would artificially inflate the fares, you could only get three disabled access buses for the cost of four conventional ones. The idiots chaining themselves to the front of conventional buses were well organized and must of had funding from somewhere ( probably stock market parasites ), the media always knew where they would strike. It was a bit of a bent deal all round, John Ried ( the minister responsible ) had a son working as an executive for one of the big two national bus operators who wanted an excuse to invest in a new fleet considering that their engineering staff were incapable of looking after the old ones properly. Local authorities were engaging in " Quality Bus Partnerships " offering the bus companies money and favors like new bus lanes, they said nothing about the increases in fares. Its possible that the extra interest payments on the new investment could have funded a 24 hour door to door free dial up taxi service to anywhere in the UK for everyone claiming Disability Living Allowance, not only that but you could have taken two able bodied friends with you.
As for the alleged environmental benefits, forcing people to buy new vehicles early is likely to increase overall emissions, and its probable that air quality in London is far worse than it need be because of the extensive introduction of traffic calming. It is a classic case of " there was an old woman who swallowed a fly " policy. There was nothing so green and sustainable as the Routemaster bus, but like with the railways, Thatcher shut the main workshops.
The big question is where do we go from here, it is alleged that 50% of bus services are already covered by a government subsidy. We need to go the whole way and regulate the entire system in order that passengers and council taxpayers can benefit from big profits on the more popular routes. Bus operators would become virtual haulage contractors to the local authority and a true competitive market would ensure costs were kept down.
The local council would collect all the fares, perhaps using a system which was in operation in Adelaide ( South Australia ) as long ago as 1987. Bus tickets could be bought at local shops as well as on the bus itself and were widely available. There were two types of ticket, standard which lasted an hour from the time you validated it on the first bus caught and could be used again within that time on any bus you changed to. A more expensive day ticket valid after 9:30 am was just what it said on the box, the tickets were similar to the old Victorian type railway tickets, thin cardboard with simple magnetic strip on the back. Not easy to lose or accidentally destroy like some paper tickets, no need for potentially expensive elaborate microchip based tickets. If people suspect that someone is tracking their every movement it could put some people off using public transport.
Local authorities would be responsible for all route planning and timetables and perhaps this could be done better on a regional basis. All major routes could be covered by at least one bus per hour between 6:00 am and midnight, on busy sections with buses every 15 minutes or less you could virtually throw away any formal timetable especially at rush hour. The aim would be to provide a bus at least every 20 minutes in the more densely populated areas. Park and ride schemes need to be developed along with direct fast limited stop services to the major towns like Manchester. The ultimate thing to do is fully integrate rail services on a single ticketing system but that would probably need nationalization of all passenger transport. However, it may be possible with thoughtful regulation at less total expense to the public ?
NN 05/05/2009
I must admit that I prefer reading stuff off the internet on my wide screen, but the traditional paper printed book could be on edge of a new dawn, with the introduction of the instant printed book machine. This new machine opens up the potential number of authors, I recently got my book " Corporate Nazi ? " published in a format suitable for said new machines. Its even available on Amazon now, the only snag being that it is perhaps pricey, considering that its only in paperback. That is not to say that the development costs ( just over half what I expected )were excessive, but its surprising just how big a cut Amazon take on each copy, although admittedly much of the cost is free post and packaging.
Thatcher's 1980s bus privatisation and deregulation has turned out to be a complete disaster for the bus customer. Although new and often extra mini-bus services were originally introduced, these these were soon withdrawn as uneconomic. Since then ( despite the fact that fuel tax can be reclaimed for timetabled services ) many services have been withdrawn. Only public subsidy keeps many of the more rural / urban services operating. This contraction in services may be in part due to the relatively high fares, it was cheaper to haul a ton of dry stone to our nearest town than the single bus fare.
We have now reached a stage where local councils subsidize almost all bus routes except those between major towns. Once upon a time private operators internally subsidised less popular routes, the main routes are very lucrative. Although I have not been familiar with bus operations recently, back in 1991 I spent six months working in a bus garage. It was quite common for the rush hour 225 service between Clitheroe and Bolton to take £280 for the three hour round trip. Even the most off peak services took over £60, about the same as a six wheel wagon with 15 tons of tarmac and turn a profit.
There are many factors in the current rip-off scenario of the bus operators. Take disabled access for public transport for instance, looked pretty good on face value, but it was just another excuse to force disabled people to work, when implemented would artificially inflate the fares, you could only get three disabled access buses for the cost of four conventional ones. The idiots chaining themselves to the front of conventional buses were well organized and must of had funding from somewhere ( probably stock market parasites ), the media always knew where they would strike. It was a bit of a bent deal all round, John Ried ( the minister responsible ) had a son working as an executive for one of the big two national bus operators who wanted an excuse to invest in a new fleet considering that their engineering staff were incapable of looking after the old ones properly. Local authorities were engaging in " Quality Bus Partnerships " offering the bus companies money and favors like new bus lanes, they said nothing about the increases in fares. Its possible that the extra interest payments on the new investment could have funded a 24 hour door to door free dial up taxi service to anywhere in the UK for everyone claiming Disability Living Allowance, not only that but you could have taken two able bodied friends with you.
As for the alleged environmental benefits, forcing people to buy new vehicles early is likely to increase overall emissions, and its probable that air quality in London is far worse than it need be because of the extensive introduction of traffic calming. It is a classic case of " there was an old woman who swallowed a fly " policy. There was nothing so green and sustainable as the Routemaster bus, but like with the railways, Thatcher shut the main workshops.
Even with the workshops, the extra stresses imposed on the coach built body of the Routemaster by traffic calming on some routes would have made maintenance costs prohibitive. The introduction traffic calming wrecked a whole generation of coach built buses built in the late seventies - early eighties. The only people who gained financially from the introduction of traffic calming were the stock market parasites who funded the early replacement of vehicles. There was a temporary boom in the bus building industry, but now many of the companies have gone forever and the skilled jobs lost.
The proof that there is another way of doing things comes from Pennine Motor Services a small private and always independent even during NBC times bus operator. Pennine operate services in the Craven area of North Yorkshire with routes from Skipton to Ingleton via Settle and to Burnley over the Lancs / Yorks border. Back in the 1980s their standard workhorse was the Leyland Leopard ( coach ) but they did buy three small wheel modern vehicles to run the Burnley service in about 1989. These soon shook to pieces, handled badly in slippery conditions ( probably due to the small wheels ), were heavy on maintenance so they got rid of them and replaced them with Mk2 Leyland Nationals of early 1980s vintage. I am informed that their fares are lower and the buses faster than their competitors on the Burnley route.The big question is where do we go from here, it is alleged that 50% of bus services are already covered by a government subsidy. We need to go the whole way and regulate the entire system in order that passengers and council taxpayers can benefit from big profits on the more popular routes. Bus operators would become virtual haulage contractors to the local authority and a true competitive market would ensure costs were kept down.
The local council would collect all the fares, perhaps using a system which was in operation in Adelaide ( South Australia ) as long ago as 1987. Bus tickets could be bought at local shops as well as on the bus itself and were widely available. There were two types of ticket, standard which lasted an hour from the time you validated it on the first bus caught and could be used again within that time on any bus you changed to. A more expensive day ticket valid after 9:30 am was just what it said on the box, the tickets were similar to the old Victorian type railway tickets, thin cardboard with simple magnetic strip on the back. Not easy to lose or accidentally destroy like some paper tickets, no need for potentially expensive elaborate microchip based tickets. If people suspect that someone is tracking their every movement it could put some people off using public transport.
Local authorities would be responsible for all route planning and timetables and perhaps this could be done better on a regional basis. All major routes could be covered by at least one bus per hour between 6:00 am and midnight, on busy sections with buses every 15 minutes or less you could virtually throw away any formal timetable especially at rush hour. The aim would be to provide a bus at least every 20 minutes in the more densely populated areas. Park and ride schemes need to be developed along with direct fast limited stop services to the major towns like Manchester. The ultimate thing to do is fully integrate rail services on a single ticketing system but that would probably need nationalization of all passenger transport. However, it may be possible with thoughtful regulation at less total expense to the public ?
NN 05/05/2009
I must admit that I prefer reading stuff off the internet on my wide screen, but the traditional paper printed book could be on edge of a new dawn, with the introduction of the instant printed book machine. This new machine opens up the potential number of authors, I recently got my book " Corporate Nazi ? " published in a format suitable for said new machines. Its even available on Amazon now, the only snag being that it is perhaps pricey, considering that its only in paperback. That is not to say that the development costs ( just over half what I expected )were excessive, but its surprising just how big a cut Amazon take on each copy, although admittedly much of the cost is free post and packaging.
Many older people ( at least the type who buy books ) don't have direct access to a computer and have no intention of becoming computer literate. People like actual books, even when you have read them you can use them to prop something up, and people donate them to charities, especially community fund raising events like Jumble Sales.
NN 08/05/2009
MP's expenses are MP's expenses but on the face of it what Hazel Blears appears to have been doing is blatant property speculation. It's straight out of " Location , Location TV, buying a series of rough run down flats and then renovating them at the taxpayer's expense. Perhaps each time coming away with a significant personal financial gain probably exempt from any form of taxes. Hazel Blears must represent the epitome of the Blair inspired Ten Bob Fat Cats.
NN 20/05/2009
And so by pure coincidence it turns out that both Hoon and Purnell have by perhaps devious means avoided paying CGT on profits on the sale of homes. At least Blears is publically apologizing by paying said CGT but look at the potential corruption if certain corporate organizations had the info on them all along. Take regeneration policy for instance, its Blears who signs off all the big contracts whilst denying the opportunity for direct involvement by local small businesses.
Transport is wide open to fraudulent policy from spending on electronic technology like the proposed average speed cameras. Cutting the national speed limit is likely to deposit carbon in all car's exhaust manifold and therefore probably ensure that it fails the emissions test at an early age. I suspect that Average Speed cameras are just another false economic growth investment scam, perhaps the Telegraph should tell everyone where they put the money they avoided the CGT on.
Its a while ago now but I seem to remember a report about Tessa Jowell selling her house and putting all the proceeds into some unspecified Hedge Fund. Purnell was said to be renting recently ( lost deposit ) so perhaps he has done the same thing. And guess what his entire Welfare Reform policy was designed by a celebrity stock market parasite. How can any of them be trusted to enact any new laws or srutinize enactment of existing policy.
G01 #32
Why do you always have to twist everything posters say to imply that they would support a " far right " BNP UK government. The BNP are the nuclear option as far as protest voting goes at the forthcoming EU elections. People could vote for the alleged socialist Greens but that lends credibility to the eco-fascists who are ever further to the right than the BNP in real terms.
Making extra money on the side by any means is all part of the Corporate Nazi ideology that all mainstream politicians ( including UKIP ) subscribe to. The fact that mainstream politicians have put so much effort into attempting to dissuade the people from voting BNP is probably the best reason to vote BNP at the EU elections. Perhaps the most effective way to " spoil party games " ( barrie take note ), at least temporarily.
It would appear that the establishment is now so desperate to stop people voting BNP that some have resorted to hiring gangs of Anti BNP balaclava wearing thugs to blitz areas where BNP support appears strong. This happened recently in the Irwell Riverside ( Salford ) by election ( being held today ), the BNP have got an excellent non racist candidate standing, ( local ex army lad ).
It would appear that the trade unions are behind the bully boy tactics, at least funding it and it was said to be linked to one of the other candidates standing. The trade unions are desperate to stick with the current Corporate Nazi system as their power base relies on large multinational corporations whatever the union rhetoric.
NN 21/05/2009
Leftieoddbod #5
Gordon Browns stock market parasite friendly Corporate Nazi credentials would be in complete tatters if he had to force his key Corporate Nazi cabinet members ( Purnell & Hoon ) to stand down. Hazel Blears was just another B liar ten bob fat cat so its relatively easy to sacrifice her to theoretically appease the voting masses.
Say what you like about the Tories but at least Cameron has got the guts to immediately inform any of his MP's significantly exposed to the expenses scandal that they will stand down at the next general election.
Jaded Jean #11
Is it not the case that the current MP's expenses scandal is a symptom of the Corporate Nazi quasi-religion all mainstream politicians are expected to worship without question. Its all about the holy grail of perpetual stock market index growth ( as opposed to real growth in our economy ) . The more they cheat the system the more Corporate Nazi " brownie points " they accrue, perhaps an integral part of the planned decline of our nation into complete anarchy.
Jaded Jean #22
I seem to remember that we have argued about the use of the term " Nazi " in my posts when I specifically refer to " Corporate Nazi's ". I was under the impression that we had agreed that the term Corporate Nazi " was a sound bite to describe your much maligned anarcho capitalist Trotskyites. The term Corporate Nazi is simple enough for any average man in the street to appreciate and refer to. Not everyone has the dubious benefit of a politics doctrine but they do have a good idea of what Nazi means today, take the smoking ban for instance. Toll roads next, relative basic human rights of the workers put back into the 18th century. And then there is all the nasty expensive in taxation eco-fascist sponsored stuff ordered for the next stock market parasite investment scam. And yet some people will vote Green in protest and lend credibility the real Nazi's ( or what they have metamorphosised into since 1945 ). The BNP look tame by comparison.
BBC " click online " did a feature on the future of OAP care, suggesting that the infirm could live in high tech housing units where every move of the occupant was recorded by sensors. They claim that they could tell whether you were able to bend down, whether you were washing due to the amount of water used plus a range of other factors. The whole object of the exercise was not to send anyone to check on you unless you were apparently dead or close to it. All your movements would be on CCTV video also.
Its all about the concept of understanding mirror images, obviously the Green Party are not properly scrutinising their policies for " unintended consequences " The Green Party could be my natural political home but long experience ( wont even debate any policy outside the radar of their quasi-religion ) sent FoE an article outlining that traffic calming doubles pollution back in about 1995, no reply so rang head office and was greeted with a load of abuse.
It is reasonable to believe that Green politics has an alternative subversive agenda, following their plans for wind farms etc could lead to a crash in the national grid, perhaps leading to anarchy in towns. It would appear that some eco-fascists can't wait that long, plan to close a major coal fired power station to achieve the same anarchistic ends.
Real progress towards increasing carbon free energy is thwarted, not allowed to build a realistic Severn Barrage for instance and perhaps more importantly if we wish to maintain a decent standard of living for everyone opposition to nuclear power in any shape or form.
Take the new third runway at Heathrow for instance, one would expect a continous barage of opposition from all environmental groups, but nothing much except geurilla attack from minority interes Plane Stupid. Perhaps they have been told to " hold the dogs off " because the only practical reason for the new runway is to allow their celebrity Corporate Nazi backers to fly their private jets in there.
On first impressions its the Green Party equivalent of the Green Arrow site and the BNP, appears mega quasi-religious about the alleged man made link to climate change. Its nearly the end of May and I'm still sporting my winter coat despite how well worn it had now become. The man made climate change argument is falling apart, I don't know whether I have mentioned it in any of my other facebook wide posts but the average temp in central England went up 4 F in just 35 years up to 1750, before the industrial revolution. Lord Monkton ( former scientific advisor to Thatcher ) was blocked from standing up and making a speech to the US congress about it in case he made Al Gore look a complete fool.
This religious quote springs to mind, " Father forgive them for they know not what they do "
The way the weather is going globally God could yet save us from the evil eco-fascists, mega ice storm on the north coast of the north island of New Zealand the other week. Front page in the NZ Herald but no mention of it on the BBC anywhere, ice shelf is receding in one bit of antarctica, growing on the other side of the continent. Perhaps the arctic ice would not be so bad if they stopped slamming icebreakers through it, allowing the dark sea to absorb the heat from the sunlight once efficiently reflected by the white ice. Its not climate change research, they are just trying to open up a lucrative north west passage for commercial shipping.
NN 03/06/2009
Perhaps Hazel Blears walked the plank today in order to take the pressure off particularly Hoon and Purnell, both with similar form to Blears. Darling appears already toast, I hope that its the end of " seven eight's " are fifty-four ( Byers ) New Labour economics.
Bank shares down significantly today, perhaps in anticipation that a new chancellor would have the " balls " to make at least the state aided banks call in their loans to hedge funds and make the money available to lend in the real sustainable future small business economy.
The Corporate Multinational Cartel must be rattled, it wont lend the money to West Star so that they can save LDV. The CMC pressure is on Brown to continue their Corporate Nazi Plan yet the possibility of Johnson as prime minister must keep them in check to some extent.
Cameron can't say anything just so long as Gove, Duncan and Landsley remain in the shadow cabinet. They collectively think that as they are not actually in government yet they don't need to clean up their act. There would appear to be more stories about Tories coming out in the near future, perhaps the least that they can hope for is not to be proven to have left your rented flat in a condition one might expect to find from a drug addict, like James Purnell recently ?
NN 06/06/2009
Gordon Brown has made a pretty fair attempt at cleansing his cabinet of those MP's infected by the expenses scandal, even though some effectively jumped ship as opposed to being formally sacked. However, Brown's Corporate Nazi stock market parasite puppet masters wont allow him shoot their best friend Panda, even though he has got fairly dirty underpants when it come to expenses.
Its good to see Peter Hain back, but he should have gone back to head of Work and Pensions given his previous experience, he is wasted on the Welsh Office. Billy sitch Yvette ( I never answer the pertinent questions ) Cooper won't have a clue about the Proposed Welfare Reforms, perhaps she's only there to provide a rubber stamp for what the Corporate Nazi's have in mind to force through with the help of the Tories. Cameron would now appear to have the problem that he hasn't cleaned out his own front bench of the likes of Gove, Duncan and Landsley. Only 38% of the national vote in the local elections, and that could fester lower if he continues to back " close friend " colleagues and make excuses about waiting for party committies.
It would appear that no democratically elected Labour politician dare take on Transport, so its now effectively run by a non elected virtual dictator. Pretty handy if you want to force through all the Corporate Nazi investment scam stuff like Average Speed Cameras and further moves towards Toll Roads. And Then the proposed cut in the National Speed limit to 50 Mph to appease the eco-fascists who were campaigning for 40 Mph. " Councils will be able to determine limits in their area " so speed limits are to be set by a bunch of doddering coffin dodging top Tories ( at least in Lancashire ) intent on bringing everyone's driving standard down to their level of aged incompetence. Perhaps one of the reasons Labour lost control of Derbyshire was cutting the speed limit to 50 Mph on the A515 between Buxton and Ashbourne recently.
Alan Johnson could make a clear and concise marker for his possible future leadership of the Labour Party by immediately scrapping the pointless national Identity Card plans. Likewise Brown could quietly dispose of eco-fascist leaning Joan Ruddock from the environment team and kill any Bin Tax proposals. Bearing the above in mind it is not impossible for Labour even under Brown to bounce back and narrowly win the next general election ?
NN 09/05/2009
I suppose that I am in danger of getting a ideological lecture from thegangofone but what no mention of the antics with the BNP outside parliament today. It would appear that the Corporate Nazi establishment is desperate to stop the BNP putting its ideas over via the media to the electorate. 80 UAF thugs, sponsored by at least the main three political parties and the unions, the Zimbabwe analogy springs to mind.
It is interesting to note that BBC news channel which originally provided fair coverage of the incident allowing Nick Griffin to respond, but subsequently cut almost everything he had to say but retained a quote from the UAF alleged ring leader. It looks like everything what Griffin had to say about the incident had all been hushed up by the time most people were likely to be home from work.
It would appear that the BNP is far more radical than the simple racist leaning anti immigration party the Corporate Nazi establishment attempt to portray. Perhaps in the interest of fairness Paxo should invite him onto Newsnight for a proper grilling on a broad range of BNP policies, not just the alleged " Nazi " connection.
JadedJean #5
I can't understand why the television viewing public think that Alan Sugar is so wonderful, perhaps they are just suffering form a bad memory. Alan Sugar made his name and money selling " allegedly cheap " nasty consumer electronics like radio cassette players for instance. They were complete rubbish when compared to other established products on the market, but you were lucky if they lasted more than a couple of years.
We still daily use the radio bit of a late 1970s Sony radio cassette, works almost perfectly, the tape deck is US but that's probably down to my elderly parents being a bit ham-fisted rather than design. If you work out the cost over a full lifespan Amstrad stuff works out really expensive, the trouble is the existing manufacturers had to reduce quality to compete, so the consumer lost out as a result overall.
I try to avoid Sugar on TV but flicking though channels I did catch a feature where he was arguing with his son about an new electronic product. This time it was electronic advertising boards for shops etc, his son wanted a stronger job but Alan said it was only intended to last five years. Hardly good for our environment and what lesson does it portray to new emerging companies wishing to export.
Easy to make cheap junk and use sly salesmen but what about the sustainability of the market in ten years time. Needless to say Amstrad consumer electronic are history, all Allan's ill gotten gains are in property these days, lets hope that market implodes in the near future.
kashibeyaza #12
You sound like you have a vested interest against the BNP but do you support what the Corporate Nazi's are up to at present. For instance, employment agencies taking individuals of all races " Private Political Prisoner " condemned to a life on state benefits. Now the Corporate Nazi's have plans to make anyone out of work for more than a year forced to do potential hard labour as a virtual slave. No chance of a proper job unless you are A1 fit and the prospect of being worked into your grave if you are not A1.
I believe that the UK has recently signed up to some UN declaration of human rights or something but opted out of the measures on benefits and other vital provisions.
kashibeyaza #12
Just thought that I would add, I have it on good authority that some of the active BNP members who most regularly spout anti-Muslim propaganda just happen to be " Gay " Trouble is the BNP are not too hot on gays either which can cause them some personal distress ?
NN 10/06/2009
bookhimdano #26
UK rejection of your feed in tariff has absolutely nothing to do with nuclear, we will still need a base load capacity. However, despite its low CO2 output, the eco-fascists are still circling around it, but perhaps the whole object of the exercise is to inflate energy prices and put millions out of work in the longer term. OK there will be investment scams like carbon capture for new coal power, as featured in " Green Texas " the other week. Sounded pretty logical, use the captured CO2 to force any remaining oil out of currently non productive wells. Ok you get loads of temporary construction jobs, but its not sustainable.
Perhaps the greatest scam is the eco-fascists rejection of waste incinerators, messing about with massive investment to ferment food waste, collect the gas and burn it in an internal combustion engine. ( we once used pigs to recycle waste food, but the health fascists freaked out about potential cannibalism and something like BSE breaking out. And you can still ferment the pigs waste product and generate gas, Forgot that pigs have been fed as cannibals by man for thousands of years with no problem )
It is said that waste incineration could provide 10% of UK base load, flood the electricity market and force prices to consumers lower, but even better than your feed in tariff idea which could be rolled out anyway. However, it would be another give away to the rich just like the current car scrap scheme.
And then there is the Severn Barrage, could revolutionize the local economy with a new direct link between Bristol and Cardiff. The same potential regeneration could also be achieved by a barrage across Morecambe bay, bring Barrow back into Lancashire where it truly belongs. Of course the eco-fascists object even though they haven't got an scientific environmental leg to stand on.
This is the type of science the man made climate change high priests rely on.
NN 16/06/2009
Perhaps hardly surprising that the Corporate Nazi's have floated the idea of a " Private Tax " on land lines to fund the expansion of high speed broad band. As usual the corporate multinational cartel members will be the main beneficiaries. Perhaps part of a sneaky plan to introduce the infrastructure for Average Speed Cameras in often not that remote rural areas.
There has probably been lots of squealing from the ten bob fat cats who priced the indigenous population out of their homes. Pay a fortune to " Escape to the Country " only to find that broad band is not available and perhaps the property speculators have a hand in the proposed policy.
If rural people actually want high speed broad band they should club together and form local small companies to provide the infrastructure. It was done with local cable TV in the 1960s but now the wireless possibilities are endless. Perhaps the Galileo satellite project should be primarily about improving Europe wide broad band access, not just Corporate Nazi toll roads.
Like everything else our corrupt government comes up with its all a part of the trend towards the economic cleansing of " rural " and other select areas to forward financial apartheid in the UK.
The health fascists are once again trying to ban smoking in cars yet Corporate Nazi puppet Panda says that there is no need for further regulations on fraudulent banks and their stock market parasites. Typical of this Corporate Nazi government, just like the German Nazi's lots of petty regulations to implement in the interest of restricting true human rights for the masses whilst allowing corrupt big business to virtually write its own rule book.
NN 18/06/2009
It would appear that the lesson to be gleaned from today's censored publication of MP's expenses is that the more your MP has blanked out the more potentially corrupt they are likely to be. Even those who squealed about the Telegraph are not happy with the current status quo, more grim stories are likely to emerge from the full details.
The Iraq war was started to save the stock market parasites, US airlines going bust so flood the market with plenty of government air freight / passenger contracts. Of course King Corporate Nazi Blair could not resist joining in, even before the war started the Dow Jones went up 50 points every time we bombed Iraq.
As for alleged climate change the met office despite their electronic technology can't even forecast the next week accurately and refuse to consider what the sun spot watchers have to say. It is pretty clear that whatever happens we are likely to benefit as a nation from a national grid for water. One pipeline from Kielder to London ( even the Romans could do this without expensive pumps ), one pipeline from the Lake District intersecting in Yorkshire. Perhaps south east companies like Thames Water could pay for the work from their obscene profits, a mass employment scheme the whole country would benefit from.
Simon_987 #5
Perhaps its more than coincidence that one of the proven most bent MP's was Elliot Morley, a former vocal environment minister. Likewise I believe that the Telegraph had something nasty on the current Tory shadow environment main spokesman who's name escapes me.
KCL #4
I was quite interested in your failed petition but perhaps if you had been an NGO they would have allowed it. Of course groups like Friends of the Earth sold out to the Corporate Nazi's in the 1980s, I don't remember them ever batting an eyelid about the miners loosing their jobs. All the emphasis was on reducing SO4 to save the forests in easterrn Europe, apparently the introduced technology did the trick, also less need to mine gypsum these days.
The best and only way we can protect our environment is to place a ban on consumer credit for anything not capable of lasting 30 years. We could revolutionise the motor industry, buy a new car and hand it onto your kids when they were old enough to drive.
Go back to the 1930s, plenty of examples of how high the engineering standard was, but make it with modern tooling and anything could last a lifetime. You would only need to buy it once but that is not to say that you can't send it back to the manufacturer and made as good as new every 7 years. On the bright side that although pointless and destructive hydrogen new small city car points the way to go with electric cars, just lease it all in from the manufacturer.
NN 23/06/2009
KCL #4
The point about plastic carrier bags is that if we incinerated all our household waste they would not be a problem. I suspect that the type of plastic they are made of once made up part of the heavy fraction once used in large scale oil fired boilers, like in ships and railway locomotives. It was the case that when plastic came on the scene, nasty black smoke generating heavy oil became more expensive than diesel.
Having said that the point is that burning plastic anything in an incinerator is no problem to the environment these day's due to flue gas scrubber technology. It would be possible to recover the energy from waste and reduce consumption of other fuels, its said that the UK could generate 10% of the electricity base load in this way.
We all know what the public think about having to pay for plastic bags, they have voted with their wallets, several M&S food stores forced to close.
NN 26/06/2009
JadedJean #55
Perhaps a measure of just how foolish and ignorant the average British consumer has become was the main non-Jackson article on BBC Breakfast news this morning. Apparently everyone is going to have to fork out an extra 500 quid a year on their energy bill just to fund the expansion of wind farms over the next few years.
This is the type of enforced consumerism the Corporate Nazi's love to see, their own private tax on the population at large. I suppose that its a bit like the BBC license fee ( except its worth every penny if it keeps blogs like this open ) but like with the BBC you can't chose whether you support wind farms or not.
Wind farms are just the latest green investment scam, totally inefficient and unable to close a single fossil fuel power station as they can't be relied upon for " base load ". If they get to the projected 20% there is a good chance that the grid could collapse leading to power cuts reminiscent of a third world country.
Its all part of the Corporate Nazi ideology, puppet Brown must continue to create and expand the welfare state for the stock market parasites. By the way it was a " corporate " charity which sprung the news, its primary interest being to get more government funds for house insulation etc.
Has nobody noticed that the average person needs a cost of living cut if we are to compete in a global economy. We have little or no money left to waste as a nation, then government comes along forcing people to invest in pointless financial black holes.
Perhaps it is time to start to learn Chinese.
#58 Mistress76uk
KCL was right about burying bad news under Jackson, just think how many never bothered to switch their TV on this morning thinking the Jackson mourning would still be 100% rolling. Suppose its not as bad as every person, but every every bill all the same, just as " pregnant " No mention of this story on the BBC News web site either for some perhaps convenient reason.
NN 29/06/2009
Gordon Browns pledge to find work or training for all unemployed for a year people under 25 looks pretty commendable on face value, but do the wheels come off when you look at the probable detail.
Even though well educated, a 19 year old unemployed friend of mine was offered a part time job cleaning at some DIY store, only about 15 hours a week and of course through a parasitic employment agency. His projected weekly wage came out at less than his 50 quid a week dole, and when you take into account traveling costs ( be it only shoe leather ) virtual slavery. I believe that after thinking about it he gave back word on the job, not worth starting since he was hoping to go into further education in September.
Browns jobs for the under 25's plan will give the parasitic employment agencies the license to destroy full time cleaning jobs ( and the like ) once open to people of all ages and divide them up into part time packages to exploit the under 25's. It is patently obvious that the full rate minimum wage will be undermined, real businesses won't gain anything because the employment agencies will be charging them well over the odds for employing people direct.
Once again Brown is promoting a welfare state for the stock market parasites, perhaps likely to be defeated Labour MP's are angling for jobs on the board of employment agencies after the next election.
Petrol and diesel were the same price ( 101.9p ) at Morrison's Nelson yesterday, over the past year diesel has on average been at least 5p per litre more expensive than petrol. There must be a glut of diesel on the market at present, perhaps reflecting what a bad state our economy is in.