Friday, 6 January 2012

My Diary 2009 to Riots Pt 1


EU Inspired False Economic Growth ( April 2010 )
Many of those who actively promote the " Corporate Nazi " ideology's apparent guru Milton Freidman allegedly wrote something like that the one and only one social responsibility of any business is to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase profits.   ( Just so long as it stays within the theoretical moral rules, that is to say it uses free competition and avoids any potential deception or fraud ? )
The only problem with the above is that large corporations have consistently lobbied government ( particularly in the UK ) to change or ignore any rules.  The rot probably first set in after Dennis Healey took out the IMF loan in the mid 1970s.  Ever since pure science and engineering has been increasingly infiltrated by corporate politics and been misrepresented in order to produce the most profitable outcome from research in order to generate false economic growth on the stock market.
My personal business ideology was formed as I was brought up in a village corner shop which made its own ice cream.  Also before leaving school I worked part time at a local small haulage contractor, despite being one of the top performing students on the technical side I dropped out of tech in the final year when they tried to indoctrinate me with corporate business theory, but stayed long enough to get the general idea. 
My first real exposure to the corporate world was whilst working as a HGV driver delivering metal pressings to Ford plants in the mid 1980s.  I was on friendly terms with the owner of said engineering business who would openly admit that he would make far more money if he had his capital investment in a building society.   His main problem was getting paid on time by Ford, they owed him for several months work but he couldn't take any action to get paid as they would have instantly cancelled his contract.  He had to buy all the steel from Ford at their price ( they could probably justify this on quality control grounds ) but when one really bad quality batch of Ford Cargo cab back panels went rusty as soon as they were pressed, he had to pay to try to clean them up.  Said engineering company arranged all their transport but then Ford demanded that they use Ford's own corporate haulage sub contractor at extra expense and inconvenience.  We lost the haulage job but it was said about  a couple of years later that Ford had sent in a team of managers to run said engineering works which then soon went into administration.   Although we technically lost our jobs due to Ford transport policy our union ( T&G ) did nothing to help us even though our replacements were in foreign built vehicles and consistently breaking the drivers hours regulations.
In between hauling metal pressings we did muti drop chemicals throughout the UK.  You could tell how a company treated its workforce by the way they dealt with you as far as getting quickly unloaded.  It was always a pleasure to visit ICI sites, but that was in the days before most of the company was sold off and then virtually asset stripped for instant profit.  Large companies like ICI always managed to retain their share price whilst providing decent working conditions and terms for their workforce, at least until the 1987 stock market crash.  I can't remember whether the following is in strict chronological order, but I was informed first hand that when Guinness took over Distillers ( in a dodgy deal ) the rent of small arable farmers in west Lancashire was doubled overnight, a pattern which was to become all too familiar in the 1990s.
On the politics side, it would appear that Thatcher would not play their false economic growth to plug the black hole in the stock market game and so they tricked her into introducing the Poll Tax after which she was compelled to resign.  Just as soon as Major got elected in his own right the false economic growth regulations were trotted out regularly.  As far as personal experience was concerned we were hit by new sheeting regulations at the quarries, Tilcon must have know it was in the pipeline as they had sold the majority of their road haulage sector to Fewston, a company set up by the banks and profit based on sub letting haulage work to smaller haulage contractors.  Tilcon had always bought several new British built Foden eight-wheelers every year but Fewston switched to Swedish Scania, the haulage rates never went up to cover the costs of sheeting, many experienced drivers left due to the health implications ( including myself with back problems ).  The net result was the Sowerby Bridge Disaster in which several people lost their lives after a Fewston wagon ran away down the steep hill, given the evidence almost certainly caused by an inexperienced incompetent ex-police ( just recently passed HGV test driver ) " pumping " the air brakes after they " faded " on the long hill down into Halifax.  Of course Tilcon escaped any vicarious liability at the time but the ministry of transport came in and got the haulage rates increased, after which Tilcon was subsequently taken over.  All to prevent a bit of harmless dust getting onto the ten bob fat cat yuppies who had moved into the Dales new BMW's.
Then came Traffic Calming, and it in not simple coincidence that Hyndburn ( the first local authority to introduce widespread traffic calming ) was one of the first local authorities forced to sell its corporation bus fleet.  One first rate coachbuilder I knew left ( Stagecoach ) Ribble Blackburn depot to become top man at Hyndburn Transport, only to leave after a couple of weeks later because the urgent repair workload ( due to running over traffic calmed streets ) was impossible to keep up with, he was such a good man that Ribble instantly gave him his old job back.  Corporate Stagecoach picked up Hyndburn Transport on the cheap in a bent deal arranged with the bent Labour leader of the council who pushed the traffic calming in the first place, the first class engineering depot ( on a prime site ) was asset striped and sold.  Other corporation transport operations have fallen to the corporates since due to being unable to even break even, and not being able to access new investment for more modern vehicles. 
Another false economic growth investment scam was " disabled access to public transport ", the corporates were all for it after sorting a bent deal with the minister in charge who's son was employed in a top management position by one of them.  Just for the extra interest payments alone it would have been possible to provide a 24/7 dial up free taxi service to anywhere in the UK for anybody claiming DLA.  Perhaps this prime example of politically correct lunacy is the main reason why its far cheaper per mile to run your car than use public transport because the fares are so high now in many areas.  We have now reached a point where local authorities are forced to subsidise the majority of bus services using the council tax, the corporate bus operators taking the angle that if they can't turn a fat profit they wont run the service.   Thatcher's bus privatisation plan has been amply proven an abject failure, short of total re-nationalisation the way forward now is efficient regulation with the bus operators turned into virtual road haulage contractors to the local council, who would collect all the fares and organise all the timetables.
Both the above false economic growth generating scams come via the EU but more recently motor industry funded alleged charities have been set up to demand legislation on the grounds of " road safety ", but their impact has been nothing compared to the influence of environmental NGO's on government policy.  Perhaps their first major victory was when Ken Clarke introduced the Road Fuel Tax Escalator, of course big business said nothing perhaps because they were prepared to run with anything which could prevent the top rate of income tax being increased and the resultant drop in funds to their " stock market parasites ", ( hedge funds and the like ).   It didn't have any real impact at first but Labour was favourite to win the 1997 election and if there was a working brain between them they must have realised the RFTE made particularly northern manufacturing industry uncompetitive.  However, Brown just carried on with it and by 1998 I can recall that hundreds of once well secure job for life " household name " manufacturing jobs were being lost every week.   This continued until the Farmers For Action fuel protests and ending of the RTFE in 2000, but by this time the " stock market parasites " had got it into their DNA that asset stripping British industry was far more profitable in the short term than actually trying to run it efficiently.  By this time global big business had organised itself into a virtual Corporate Multinational Cartel ( CMC ) which prevented any real competition in an alleged " free market ", with direct services to the public contracted out to franchise holders in many cases.   I suspect that the general public have no idea what the vast majority of FTSE listed companies actually do anymore, and therefore it is impossible for members of the public to take any direct " consumer action " against them by withholding their trade.  Take the toxic waste dumping in Africa more recently, it is impossible to decipher which major company was actually responsible, almost everyone in the chain escapes vicarious liability with the investment in the " shell company " which probably goes bust to pay the fines being insured by credit default swaps etc.  The sting in the tail is that if it was not for alleged environmental groups bleating about non existent toxic pollution from waste incinerators with the latest technology we could have created well paid sustainable jobs in the UK.
That neatly brings us onto the next eco scam, household / industrial waste incineration or lack of it as far as the UK is concerned.  Eco groups have bleated so loud over the last 20 years about toxic emission that most brain dead politicians ( at least where engineering or science is concerned ) have done everything they can to appease them.  Many councils are now contracted to mega expensive " waste treatment plants ", which probably cause anyone local far more noxious smell than any incinerator could ever do.   The most logical way to dispose of waste is to incinerate and generate electricity, in rural areas where the potential smell is well away from residential areas but also to allow the construction of glasshouses in order to use any waste heat in order to grow the exotic fruit and vegetables currently imported by environmentally damaging air freight.  Of course the UK is not allowed to do this because it hits the CMC in two areas, the energy sector ( electricity from incineration could reduce market prices ) and the airlines which indirectly hits the oil section of the cartel.   Environmentalists have made a big noise about disposable carrier bags and other alleged excess packaging but if they were burnt to generate electricity we could reduce demand on other fuels.  The UK has 300 years supply of good quality coal in the ground yet the environmentalists say we should not use it because there would appear to be doubts about the practicality of the most expensive option for capture of CO2.  CO2 emissions from fossil fuel plants can be significantly reduced growing Chlorella, a fast growing Chinese pond slime which itself can be used as fuel, yet no UK research as I believe Shell hold the rights and they would prefer investment in gas ?
Despite all the environmentalist's rhetoric about standing up against big business it would appear that most of the policy they promote is in actual fact increasing the influence of the CMC over the UK economy, oil companies want an alleged low carbon economy in order to force up the market price of gas.  Similarly the alleged environmentalists pushed for the introduction of traffic calming in towns which probably increases road transport pollution emissions by at least 10% on a national basis.   The main question is how have the alleged environmentalists managed to get Carbon Dioxide classed as a pollutant in the first instance, the man made global warming theory is based on dubious science to say the least, but like most science I expect that research is skewed to reflect the interest of the CMC.   Meanwhile its likely that implementing the Climate Change Act will result in the mass asset stripping of UK manufacturing industry on a scale not seen since the RFTE before 2000, it doesn't help that foreign aid money is allegedly being used to buy up mothballed UK machine tools on the cheap for export via third world countries.
Meanwhile UK citizen stakeholders are being sold short by the politicians for the benefit of the " stock market parasites " and false economic growth which continually increases the " financial apartheid " between rich and poor.  Within the next 10 years the energy industry will fall to the same fate as Railtrack after the Hatfield crash in 2000, wind farms are a pointless waste of scarce investment.  Evidence from Denmark and Germany shows that they have not closed a single fossil fuel plant, in fact Germany has had to open new fossil fuel plants to prevent power cuts.  ( probably not helped by the fact that Germany also backs up Denmark )  The main thrust of the wind farm scam is probably designed to inflate the world price of copper, its probable that you need far more copper per unit of energy produced in wind farms rather than fossil or nuclear power plants.  Copper related mining shares appear to have been the main driver of the current recovery in the FTSE index, I suspect that all the hedge funds are in there borrowing up to the hilt to speculate in mining shares and thus denying scarce investment to real productive UK companies. 
The UK faces the real possibility of regular power cuts which could precipitate total anarchy in our larger towns and cities, the situation is not helped by the fact that if anyone dare open a new power station or gas storage facility the alleged environmentalists are round there quick sharp with a fleet of corporate lawyers demanding a public enquiry.   It would appear that the primary focus of mainstream alleged environmental groups has nothing to do with protecting the overall ecology of our planet ( export pollution to China and India ) and everything to do with inflating the cost of living in the UK, false economic growth which can be expressed as an increasing number on stock market indices.  The UK can simply not afford to continue on the same false economic growth policy of the politicians always opting for the most inefficient and expensive option of achieving anything vital for the continued success and relative prosperity ( and now that its been left to go on for so long perhaps the survival ? ) of our nation and its citizens.
Political Diary 2009
NN 08/01/2009
It would appear that by continuously cutting base rate the BoE is effectively putting a virtual gun to the head of cash investors and saying " you will invest in the stock market or loose capital to inflation "   This can't be helpful for our economy as the Banks need all the cash savings they can get their hands on in order to lend to real business.
The Corporate Nazi stock market parasites are lapping it up, they can borrow for virtually nothing and then hope that the large company they invest in will at least pay a decent dividend.   At the same time smaller non stock market competitors are constrained from expanding even if they can survive without credit for monthly outgoings.
There has already been a mini share price bubble over the holiday period, but it has to be noted that one TV commentator once claimed that the FTSE was only worth 3000 if you stripped out all the borrowed borrowings.
I could understand the third runway for Heathrow argument if it was a full length runway capable of handling the more fuel efficient bigger jets.   However, it would appear that its a short runway aimed primarily at the few celebrity Corporate Nazi's in their Learjet's.  They can just nip into Heathrow from small regional airports and then transfer to first class for longer distance.  Hardly likely to create many extra jobs or benefit the majority of air passengers.
NN 14/09/2009
With the FTSE down almost 5% it would appear that the stock market parasites don't like Mandy's " small business loan guarantee " scheme.   It puts a stick in the spokes of the wheel of the Corporate Nazi plan to force all non stock market listed ( or franchised ) companies out of the market.   The Corporate Nazi's were hoping to use cartel members ( the banks ) to withhold funding from any serious smaller scale competitors, but it would appear that smaller industrial companies are now a safer bet for the banks than hedge funds.
One union rep on More4 news last week claimed that funds to lend to industry were short because the Hedge Funds were sat on most of the capital.   Perhaps the banks could now call in this hedge fund money and redirect it towards real industry, it could crash the FTSE in the coming weeks.  Bank stocks would appear to be under particular pressure but it could make it simpler to take the most productive longer term option of nationalizing all the UK banks in full at the earliest opportunity.
NN 15/01/2009
While everyone is watching the Israeli's and the Palestinians meanwhile back on the home front.
Just in case the link wont work its all about Ed Milliband suggesting that there is a " broad consensus " in the country for nationalizing the Banks.  Likewise stronger regulation on the City
With his communist parental history perhaps some right wing commentators will attempt to portray that Labour gave the stock market parasites enough rope to hang themselves in order to have the excuse to nationalize the banks.
you may need your eyes testing
NN 01/02/2009
It would appear that the Corporate Nazi stock market parasites are wagging Brown and Mandelson not to attempt to change the law on EU corporate contracts.
The current situation with workers living on a virtual prison ship whilst paying through the nose for the privilege is a template of how the Corporate Nazi's envisage the future of paid employment. Of course its OK because British workers can get employment on the continent if they are prepared to be away from their family and live in a virtual concentration camp.  The stock market can also parasite by changing even more money ( they will never support adoption of the Euro ).
NN 05/02/2009
Its pretty obvious that the BoE is running interest rate policy purely in the interests of the stock market parasites.  Cutting rates further will do nothing to increase the money supply to real business providing real jobs in the real economy.  However, it will swell the balance sheets of hedge funds etc, thus justifying huge bonuses for parasitic traders be it in part state owned banks or otherwise.
It is interesting to note that the market has recovered this week since Panda failed to rule out the creation of a " bad bank " to take over " toxic assets "   Its pretty obvious that the stock market parasites are dictating the government agenda.  The best independent financial brains favor nationalization of the UK banks, but as usual the corporate multinational cartel threaten with massive job losses in their constituent companies.
NN 06/02/2009
Chief Ten Bob Fat Cat Hazel Blears may wonder why the working class has lost faith in politicians in general, but perhaps the following Corporate Nazi Corporate Ethnic Cleansing policy Blears supports goes some way to explaining it.
They are going to demolish 500 perfectly sound terraced houses in east Manchester and replace them with 400 " Town Houses " and a new street plan.   Obviously those " working class " already in residence there can't afford to stay there and will be in effect economically cleansed. 
Many " working class " people bought their house cheap with the help of their redundancy money when the mills etc closed down.  Most of them paid off their mortgage ( if any ) years ago, were content to stay where they were and did not chase the false money of property speculation.  Most of them managed to build up quite adequate cash savings to supplement their retirement income and still leave something to their children on death.
They now find themselves in a position where what is offered for their " house " will in no way buy them an equivalent replacement in an area safe from future " regeneration ".  Likewise interest rates have collapsed which leaves them on the breadline with no hope of being able to afford a new mortgage.  Their only other alternative is high rent which will lower their relative standard of living.
Working class people do not want alleged regeneration none of them can afford, far better to renovate the existing properties, but this is probably not allowed due to only two bedrooms being unsuitable for Asians with large families.  A compromise could be knocking two houses into one as many Asian families have done in towns like Burnley.
It would appear that the sticking point is that large scale government projects are only awarded to members of the international construction cartel.   This means that there is a good chance that any new jobs created will go to immigrants, ( as Blears suggested many employment agencies will only employ immigrants they can fleece for living accommodation ).
A far better way to renew our housing stock would be to let small scale local developers ( builders ) do the work even if the time scale could be longer overall.  Small builders tend to employ local labour before people who can't fluently speak our language.  I believe that local small builders were queuing up to buy and renovate empty good quality terraced houses in Liverpool, but denied the opportunity.   It is probably the case that ( renovated ) much of our existing housing stock is far better than the crap that passes for new building these days.
NN 12/02/2009
barrie #12
The Japs are actually quite good at building trains, I once rode in the cab of a NZR Dmu at 90 Mph on three foot six gauge track ( admittedly straight )
The UK problem stems from the fact that Thatcher shut most of the main BR workshops ( which built the HST's ) .  Prescott made matters worse with his dash to get rid of slam door trains, temporary boom for the remaining British railway equipment suppliers, now almost all are virtually closed down.
Good point tawe57 #4, there is no good reason why the current HST fleet can't be kept running and in good condition for another 30 years.   The money would be far better spent as part of a network of new TGV style high speed main lines between key cities.
However the politicians have to be seen to be good ten bob fat cats by their stock market parasite puppet masters.   Plenty of potential false economic growth, but the new main engineering works must be positive even though it is likely to employ relatively few people.   It just a pity that most of the the general public still believe in " penny plain tuppence colored "
NN 13/02/2009
It must be obvious to any intelligent people that the only thing standing in the way of nationalizing the banks and getting the money supply going again is the Corporate Nazi quasi-religion Brown and others subscribe to.   Not much chance of a balanced debate and discussion from your alleged G3 team then.
Paul Mason " Wigan Pier trip "
"We're at rock bottom here. It can't get any worse. Eight out of 10 people I pick up are single mums, long-term unemployed, pensioners, long-term sick. They're not going to lose money in the credit crunch, plus things are going to get cheaper."
The above statement must prove the ludicrous false economy we currently operate in if the above groups find it cheaper to use a mini-cab than buses.   It perhaps also demonstrates the absolute waste of money disabled access to public transport as prescribed by Ried under Prescott has been.  No wonder our country is virtually skint.
Perhaps the Tories welcome David Freud  the " Arbiet Macht Frie " Corporate Nazi stock market parasite with the final solution for the disabled.  No need for concentration camps, far more profitable to starve and freeze to death the disabled or thereby " economically inactive " in their " own " home.  Typical of a party willing to sell out to Hitler in 1940, no bombing of German armaments factories because they were " private property " and all that.
Big business was behind the smoking ban, even though the health fascists promoted it the whole object of the exercise was to promote false economic growth in the economy.   Instead of a few small farmers almost directly selling tobacco to smokers, now the pharmaceutical giants can promote nicotine patches, inhalers, chewing gum etc.   Of course all this stopping smoking paraphernalia is mostly funded by the NHS, which means a direct subsidy for corporate multinational drug companies paid for by the taxpayer.
The stock market parasites can make an imaginary fortune on potentially increased drug company share prices.  Then further fuel their pyramid scheme by borrowing against the theoretical increase in the price of their assets.   All good for city bonuses, not good for the future of our welfare state.
Likewise property developers eager to expand their empires can snap up prime town centre or rural property formerly used as a " pub " at bargain prices.  Unfortunately the current property price crash has urinated on their fireworks to some extent yet pubs keep closing as they are still worth more dead than alive.
NN 27/02/2009
Gordon Brown and friend's slavish observance of the Corporate Nazi quasi-religion is going to cost the taxpayer an absolute fortune with no benefit to the people of Britain whatsoever.   Perhaps its time to stop listening to empty headed ten bob fat cat commentators like Will Hutton ( rabbit in the headlights ) who almost lost the plot last year.
By the time the Corporate Nazi's have finished asking for yet even more money to bail them out we could have funded something really useful to the majority of the population like a Citizens Income.  How much more money will be sacrificed on the altar of the Corporate Nazi quasi-religion before the now almost inevitable nationalization of the entire UK banking system.
NN 04/03/2009
barrie #1
I suspect that Browns favorite Corporate Nazi spin doctors ( inherited from Blair ) wrote his speeches to the US congress.   It would appear that the whole object of the exercise was to please the stock market parasites, and it looks as though it has done the trick.  Massive gains on both FTSE and Dow despite yet more bad economic news. Perhaps the stock market parasites think that their puppet politicians will let them off the hook lightly with any future international financial regulation.
NN 06/03/2009
Whilst I generally loathe eco-fascists they do have a valid point about the proposal for a third runway at Heathrow.   It would appear that the new ( short ) runway is being built in the interest of Corporate Nazi stock market celebrities in order that they can gain quick access to first class commercial intercontinental flights via their helicopters and private jets.    They are all good mates with Mandelson and others who visit yachts etc, so no wonder he was at the front of those wishing to put it through cabinet.  
The Corporate Nazi eco-fascists expect their puppet government to tax the poor to give up their often modest carbon footprint in order that they can preserve their often lavish lifestyles.
As for alleged " blacklists " its probable that the practice has been going on at least since Thatcher came to power in 1979.   I remember in the last year at tech 1982 we all did a test ( for fun ) to find out where on the political spectrum we came.   The forms were collected at the end and allegedly destroyed but who is to say that they were not passed on to a third party.  I was classified as a " communist " ( even though I voted Tory in 1979 ) and despite my excellent qualifications found that I never had any success with job applications to big companies.
#11 mercerdavids
You can't really class the 700 local residents about to be effectively " ethnically cleansed " from their long term homes to make way for the new third runway at Heathrow " NIMBY's "  The cutting distance of long haul air traffic argument is a red herring, its landing and taking off where the bulk of fuel is used.   The third runway is likely to increase the number of flights by less fuel efficient small planes over even shorter distances.
This Safe Speed Blog post got a mention in the Times, 08/03/2009
Being an ex-fireman one would expect that Jim Fitzpatrick would understand that speed is not the most potentially dangerous factor in road accidents. However, it would appear that he has plans to reduce the National Speed Limit to only 50 Mph blanket. Local authorities would be allowed to set the limit at 60 Mph if deemed appropriate and justified, not much chance of that. 
These Corporate Nazi New Labour bastards are intent on turning currently law abiding citizens into criminals, they intend to enforce said speed limits with cash cow average speed cameras. Of course the stock market parasites will make a fortune on selling the probably imported electronics.  The technology can also be used for future nationwide road pricing by stealth, despite mass public opposition in the Manchester vote and having failed to win the argument on toll roads.   
Like all other alleged " safety " policy, its all about promoting false economic growth in our economy which increases the divide between rich and poor.

If you really want to show these incompetent Corporate Nazi politicians " where to stick it " do what they most fear and vote BNP at the forthcoming EU elections.  If you are anti EU anyway forget UKIP, they have been proven to be just a corrupt as the rest of them.
“Exceeding the speed limit was attributed to 3% of cars involved in accidents, while travelling too fast for conditions was attributed to 6%. For fatal accidents these figures are 7% and 10% respectively.” Whereas, “Driver/rider error or reaction” was attributed as a contributory factor in 66% of all fatalities.
Limp-Dump bashing 13/03/2009
We once had the misfortune of having a Lib-Dem local ( RVBC ) councilor in our village.  The empty headed idiot got the speed limit cut from 60 to 40 on the main road into the village.  It turned 75% of the local population into instant theoretical criminals, even the buses still do 50 around the bend it was intended to make " safer ".   At the last main RVBC elections he stood of a platform of building a new roundabout at the junction in the centre of our village.   I wrote a letter into the local paper pointing out that the traffic pollution in our village centre would be doubled.   Despite being a sitting councilor and big in the local church he was annihilated by a new unknown " Tory " candidate opposed to the plan.
The Lib-Dem's lost control of RVBC at said elections but they were already a long way down the road to introducing BIN TAX having spent 30k on microchips for the new recycling bins.   Of course any properly scientifically advised council would have gone for the generating electricity from incineration route.   Again eco-fascist propaganda held sway and now many outlying rural residents face the inconvenience of taking their daily rubbish up to half a mile by car to where the council will collect the wheelie bins.   The once picturesque valley now has its roadsides cluttered with banks of recycling bins.
At a recent by-election caused by the mysterious resignation of a very long standing senior Lib-Dem councilor in a village in the south of the valley, the Tories fought on NO BIN TAX and won three to one.  The said village is a mixture of affordable housing but with some very expensive new build recently, a broad cross-section of the income scale.
The people of the Ribble Valley know what a Lid-Dem controlled council represents and have told them where they can go and stick it.
What gets me angry is the way in which a minority of eco-fascist hold so much sway on UK and EU government policy.
By the time you have wasted millions of tons of concrete and steel to build wind farms which at best only produce power for 30% of the time you could have built both a Severn and Morecambe Bay barrage which could produce energy for almost the whole 365 day year. Trouble is that as usual with anything actually useful the Eco-fascists oppose it due to its theoretical effect on wildlife. French experience with a current similar scheme proves that a barrage will not adversely effect wildlife.
Similarly with energy from waste, the UK could produce up to 15% of its base load electricity from modern household / industrial waste.   With the current recycling only policy fly tipping is out of control in some areas, with incineration much of such waste could be disposed of for free due to the potential heat in contains.
The eco-fascist spew out so much bullshit and have cried " wolf  "so much on environment policy that it is perhaps hardly surprising they loose the argument when it really matters like building the new third runway at Heathrow.
If you are unfortunate enough to get a smelly waste recycling centre in your neighborhood blame the eco-fascists who encouraged empty headed Tomlinson and his mates to go for the scheme.   I believe it involves a lucrative private contract with a corporate multinational so perhaps plenty of brown envelopes floating around.
Each local area could have had its own modern almost pollution free ( despite eco fascist propaganda ) incinerator generating cheap electricity.   Furthermore any local homes could have gained cheap heating and hot water from the waste heat with only a fraction of the likely smell.  The Isle of Man has done it so why not Lancashire.
Nn 30/03/2009
Once again the world's stock markets have imploded just because the stock market parasites are not likely to get exactly what they ordered from the G20.   It would appear that the only policy significantly agreed upon is for new tougher international financial regulation.  Therefore far less chance of the hedge funds climbing out of their black hole with constructive ( false ) accounting.   It was reported on BBC News channel earlier that perhaps Barclays share price would not have been hit so hard if they had released the news that they would not be participating in the UK governments ( toxic ) asset insurance scheme.   Perhaps this demonstrates that they have not got enough reserves to be able to afford the premium ?
It would appear that offshore tax havens are becoming an endangered species, so perhaps in future there will be less opportunity for fraudulent asset trading.   Unfortunately it would appear that we will have to rely on the integrity of the Corporate Nazi stock market parasite criminals who got us here in the first place to act as future regulators.
NN 02/04/2009
It looks like Brown and his Corporate Nazi puppet politicians have delivered just what their stock market parasite masters ordered at the G20.  Mining shares gone ballistic, plenty of opportunities to invent yet even more false money to perpetuate the global financial problem.   More money for the IMF so more opportunity for the Corporate Multinational Cartel to embezzle funds via corrupt third world country leaders.
Not much on the alleged commitment to clamp down on tax havens or effective international regulation.  Welfare State for the stock market parasites with little or no corporate responsibilities.  The less well off will end up paying for it all with inflation despite attempts to knobble the statistics.
NN 04/04/2009
Its all very well worrying about human rights in Afghanistan, and I for one am not impressed by the way Muslims treat their women in the UK when they can get away with it due to the police being too PC to intervene.    However, if one takes a broader insight of what's going on as regards to human rights in the UK in general a subtle trend towards corporate enslavement is under way.
Employment agencies are the epitome of mass slavery to the Corporate Nazi's, it is virtually impossible to get a job in any large organization without going through an employment agency.  Furthermore, it costs public bodies like local councils and the NHS a fortune when they could take on employees at less than agency cost price.
Employment agencies can use post code information to any potential employees to engage in a form of corporate ethnic cleansing.   I suspect that people could be driven from any estate property speculators and developers have desires on.   Then they blame some people for being on the dole for years, not having the option to move out to another higher priced area.   Its all about rigging the property market causing massive house price  inflation in some areas whilst councils are forced to virtually give their council house assets to bogus charity housing associations for the stock market parasites to borrow against.   Against assurances to tenants voting for " privatisation " rents have increased at rates well above that of inflation, now there are reports of funds not being available for " regeneration " even though the target property is already effectively ethnically cleansed, if not economically cleansed.
Things look particularly bleak if you are currently classified " disabled ", new more strict tests will ensure that many will be forced onto JSA with no realistic prospect of ever even being considered for any job they could actually do.  A report out today states that people on state benefits can no longer afford to eat properly whatever the government rhetoric on healthy eating.   Most of them probably spent last winter freezing to death because the couldn't afford the energy bill, ours was 835 quid quarter to February, only an average modernized house if ancient.  Porrit let the cat out of the bag when he could not deny that the eco-fascists had plans to reduce the UK population to 30 million.  That probably includes most of the " poor " people who can simply not afford to live here anymore due to " green " taxes etc.
It would appear that there is to be no welfare state provision for those which fail the virtual corporate compatibility test now used by employment agencies.  It is proposed that after a year claimants will be forced to " work " for their benefits.  Perhaps many councils and large companies will start employing these ( private agency ) dole slaves for menial tasks instead of giving people a secure full time job with benefits other workers in that company / authority currently enjoy.  It would appear that perks like company pensions are no longer economic to support, perhaps they were only ever there in the first place as a bribe to the electorate not to vote for parties sympathetic to the former Soviet block, or any form of nationalization, that corporate justification ended long ago now with the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Brown preaches fiscal stimulus, but he has just put another 3p a litre on road fuel, in addition to that put on to compensate for a cut in VAT last December.  Despite the rhetoric, this must indicate an overall tax increase despite the alleged VAT cut, and fuel costs all add to inflation for 90% of the " economically active ".    All this reduces our global competitiveness, it looks like transport costs finally got Verison a car part company with one " main " plant in Northern Ireland, transport costs probably killed Woolworths over Christmas.   It looks like the DUP 500 million Corporate Multinational Cartel sponsored bribe to vote for 42 days detention has spectacularly fallen through with the announcement of nearly a thousand job cuts at Bombardier.
Perhaps the only way to preserve what freedom we have left is to keep the stock market parasites skint, even so far as crashing the entire global financial market.  Perhaps then we could concentrate on funding the real economy of our country and at least put our infrastructure back into the relatively well maintained condition it was 40 years ago.
NN 06/04/2009
JadedJean # 4
I suppose that there is a even chance that tonight's Newsnight will metamorphosis' into a feature length advert for the corporate multinational drug peddlers.  No doubt the stock market parasites will be rubbing their hands together on the prospect of more people taking out specific cancer insurance.   A boost for the latest health craze as advertised on freeview, full health MOT including things like MRI scans in fancy new purpose built private hospitals.
If you die after seventy you die of " Old Age ", strip out the over seventies from the cancer statistics and perhaps cancer rates don't look so bad.   Cancer is not a new problem, take R J Mitchell the designer of the Spitfire, he died at a relatively young age from " cancer " in the 1930s.
NN 08/04/2009
The eco-fascists always attempt to portray how bad burning coal is as far as causing global warming is concerned.   However, basic combustion science suggests that burning coal emits far less Water Vapour than burning gas or oil.   Given that water vapour is said to be just as bad a greenhouse gas as CO2, does the lack of water vapour when burning coal cancel out the increased CO2  to some extent ?
( source British Transport Commission Hand Book for Steam Locomotive Enginemen )
malmaple # 18
I did a quick Google search and this popped up
It would appear that water vapour is being considered as a pollutant by some people, and if it is self regulating as you claim ( could be eco-fascist Aristotle based ) why therefore is CO2 not " self regulating either.    As a rough guide I was taught that burning one gallon of petrol produces one gallon of water, all this water has to go somewhere either in increased rainfall or raising the sea level.  Unfortunately I not up to speed on the science of how much heat is released when water vapour is condensed into rain in our atmosphere.
I don't trust the eco-fascists on science, after all they did support the introduction of traffic calming which doubles the potentially toxic alleged asthma causing pollution from motor vehicles on our roads.  CO2 production is also vastly increased.
GO1 # 30
Handbook for steam locomotive enginemen was written by true engineers, not the university trained idiots we have today attempting to appease their corporate funders quasi-religion.  Whatever you say, the eco-fascists can't get around the traffic calming causes pollution problem.   I have been pointing it out since 1995, only now have the facts been recognized only to be " less pregnant " with 20 Mph zones as the alternative, and then only to sell average speed camera technology.   Eco-fascism is all about selling new products and new " tech " company share price speculation, nothing to do with protecting the environment.
NN 08/04/2009
Gordon Brown preaches fiscal stimulus, but he has just put another almost 3p a litre on road fuel, in addition to that put on to compensate for a cut in VAT last December. Despite the rhetoric, this must indicate an overall tax increase despite the alleged VAT cut, and fuel costs all add to inflation for 90% of the " economically active ". All this reduces our global competitiveness, it looks like transport costs finally got Verison a car part company with one " main " plant in Northern Ireland, transport costs probably killed Woolworths over Christmas. Transporting bulky goods is not that fuel efficient per ton, large vans mean that you are dragging the wind around all day.

Its all part of a " Corporate Nazi " ideology where large corporations lobby government to make everything as inefficient ( difficult ) and expensive as possible, especially for people living in rural areas. A key part of the " Corporate Nazi " plan is the systematic dismantling of our welfare state whilst at the same time providing a virtual welfare state for the Banks and their stock market parasites, increasing the divide between rich and poor.

Not much hope from the Tories either, they have just brought Ken Clarke back onto their front bench in a senior position. Those with a good memory will recall that when chancellor,he was the original architect of the Road Fuel Tax Escalator, likewise raising the duty on diesel to make it more expensive than petrol. Unfortunately the Tories have not ruled out increases in " green " taxes if they as expected win the next general election.

The Lib-Dumbocrats are the puppets of the eco-fascists and will definitely massively increase road fuel taxes on the strength that they will cut the basic rate of income tax by 4p. However that's not much use to you if you are currently struggling to run your car in order to get to work on near minimum wage. I believe that the Association of British Drivers once calculated that current fuel duty is the equivalent of 10p on the basic rate of tax for anyone earning minimum wage on an average commute.

It looks as though mainstream party alleged democracy has failed the people of our country. Government policy is no longer dictated by the people but by the fraudulent Bankers and their stock market parasites. High road fuel tax is a tool they use to close down our manufacturing industry, the bankers look on it that its more profitable for them to sit in an office and change money on the resultant extra imports.

The only party offering cuts in road fuel duty is the BNP, but they have no real prospect of ever becoming an influence on government. However they do stand a fair chance of winning several seats at the coming EU elections under PR, in which everyone gets at least some influence on the outcome. Its not as if MEP's have a huge influence over UK government policy but voting BNP at the EU elections could teach the mainstream parties a valuable lesson. ID cards, Bin Tax, Toll Roads, Average Speed Cameras and other potential infringements of personal freedom have not gone away despite the theoretical temporary suspension or none take up of policy by local authorities. If you don't like the members you get you can always throw them out at the next election.

Voting for the BNP is the one thing the mainstream politicians fear the most because its a direct attack on their Corporate Nazi quasi-religion. Voting BNP is the nuclear option as far as protest voting is concerned, if you are eurosceptic anyway, forget UKIP, they have been shown proven to be just as institutionally corrupt as the other alleged " safe " politicians.

Some say that the BNP are hardly attractive, but , " attractiveness " has got nothing to do with it. The BNP don't dispute the Holocaust, just the figures and I believe that even the Auschwitz plaque proclaiming 4 million deaths had been recently replaced with one stating the correct figure of 1.2 million.

The BNP are German Nazi analogy is pure spin, but perhaps what system we currently have as far as personal freedoms go is far worse than the NSPD could ever of dreamed of. In fact the first thing Hitler did when he occupied Holland was introduce identity cards to all Dutch citizen. The Nazis could never have dreamed of the technology we have in our country for tracking the movement of individuals. Almost everybody has a mobile phone, but that's not good enough, now they make up excuses to increase technology to track everybody's car movements.

The key is to fight fire with fire, and as I say the BNP are the nuclear option when it comes down to protest voting.

Unfortunately there are some really nasty people out there who are not averse to the prospect of a civil war if democracy fails them. Successive governments have seen this coming and perhaps one good reason that they have installed traffic calming in Asian areas in big towns is to help control any future civil unrest. Of course they have it in " rough " white dominated estates also, where the chattering classes consider a large proportion of the inhabitants are at or near the poverty line.

Humps in the road are an ideal protection against anyone stealing a service vehicle in an attempt to break out through the gates. Impossible to get any decent speed up if there are humps everywhere. Its only one easy step to ring fencing certain areas of towns and turning them into virtual Warsaw type ghettos. Nobody will be let in or out without a permit, plenty of work for private security guard companies now that much housing is under the control of housing associations. I believe that locked gates have already been installed on some " alley's ".

Things look particularly bleak if you are currently classified " disabled ", new more strict tests will ensure that many will be forced onto JSA with no realistic prospect of ever even being considered for any job they could actually do. A report out today states that people on state benefits can no longer afford to eat properly whatever the government rhetoric on healthy eating. Most of them probably spent last winter freezing to death because the couldn't afford the energy bill, ours was 835 quid quarter to February, only an average modernized house if ancient. Porritt let the cat out of the bag when he could not deny that the eco-fascists had plans to reduce the UK population to 30 million. That probably includes most of the " poor " people who can simply not afford to live here anymore due to " green " taxes etc.

It would appear that there is to be no welfare state provision for those which fail the virtual corporate compatibility test now used by employment agencies. It is proposed that after a year claimants will be forced to " work " for their benefits. Perhaps many councils and large companies will start employing these ( private agency ) dole slaves for menial tasks instead of giving people a secure full time job with benefits other workers in that company / authority currently enjoy. It would appear that perks like company pensions are no longer economic to support, perhaps they were only ever there in the first place as a bribe to the electorate not to vote for parties sympathetic to the former Soviet block, or any form of nationalization, that corporate justification ended long ago now with the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The stock market parasites are at a bit of a loss because they can't really start any major international war due to the nuclear deterrent. Far easier for them to get their puppet politicians to engineer a situation where a significant number of their population are becoming increasingly desperate for real change. If the BNP winning a few seats at the EU elections can put off the now almost inevitable civil unrest if policy fails to change in our country then I am all for it.
NN 13/04/2009
It would appear that the government are seriously considering a " Car Scrap " scheme for " old " vehicles, namely cars over 9 years old.   I believe that FoE support it, despite the fact that producing a new vehicle causes as much pollution in creation, as they will admit in their natural life.  There are plenty of perfectly serviceable car's over 9 years old, and perhaps instead of scrapping them perhaps they could be given to third world countries as a substitute for cash aid.  
Perhaps they could also do it with vans and wagons, the third world is crying out for better transport, 25+ years old wagons are still being used in my locality. 
They could provide instant cheap transport in third world countries, generate business, and perhaps give some people the first rung on the transport ladder.  There is a potential market for it as the Tata Nano hopes to prove, 3rd class riding is always preferable to first class walking.  Unfortunately though it would appear that the Tato Nano has got insufficient ground clearance to be of any use on rough tracks.  Although not ideal, the average British car would be better and could include 4 by 4's.
Another problem with it is that unless you are rich enough to afford to pay cash, its just a bribe to encourage you to take on even more credit.  Despite the slack market for new cars major manufacturers have already put their prices up significantly in anticipation.
NN 14/04/2009
It would appear that what Brown's adviser was indulging in against the Tories is and has something in common with the type of tactics used an any prospective BNP candidates.   In fact it could be said that this applies to anyone who supports policies in common with the BNP are also attacked, and its not just the BNP, anyone who questions climate change is treated similarly, it even happens on this forum.
Those engaged in " character assassination " would appear to come from hardcore Corporate Nazi faith, with eco-fascism high in their esteem.   Perhaps JadedJean would describe them as anarcho capitalist Trotskyites, but they have all got one thing in common and that is to lead us into a virtual civil war.  The Green Party lost just two thirds of its vote in the recent semi derelict Manchester area ( Moston ) by election.   They must be desperate to claim that they can provide the next MP for Brighton, but it would appear that they have very little support in the north.
They eco-fascists appear to be becoming desperate with plans to close down key power stations in order to provoke anarchy in the big towns.  Good job the police stepped in when they did at Nottingham, a brilliant piece of police work compared the the G20.  Human right's camp squealing, but its the eco-fascists who have got plans to dispose of half the UK population, how do they propose to do this short of some form of virtual holocaust.  They did the training run during the 2001 foot and mouth animal disposal, no need for gas chambers, crematoriums, rendering is more profitable.
Unfortunately there are some really nasty people out there who are not averse to the prospect of a civil war if democracy fails them. Successive governments have seen this coming and perhaps one good reason that they have installed traffic calming in Asian areas in big towns is to help control any future civil unrest. Of course they have it in " rough " white dominated estates also, where the chattering classes consider a large proportion of the inhabitants are at or near the poverty line.

Humps in the road are an ideal protection against anyone stealing a service vehicle in an attempt to break out through the gates. Impossible to get any decent speed up if there are humps everywhere. Its only one easy step to ring fencing certain areas of towns and turning them into virtual Warsaw type ghettos. Nobody will be let in or out without a permit, plenty of work for private security guard companies now that much housing is under the control of housing associations. I believe that locked gates have already been installed on some " alley's ".
The eco-fascists are potentially far more dangerous than Muslim fundamentalists and their alleged bomb plots.  But it doesn't stop there, only recently members of the BNP were attacked by a gang of " black youths ", one was hit on the head with a claw hammer.   Fortunately it was only a relatively minor flesh wound, but the police just stood by and watched having spent ages threatening landlords with withdrawal of their license if they let the BNP hold a formal meeting there.  No doubt the " youths " were paid for by someone perhaps in drug money, or even given drugs to participate.   I can't see the eco-fascists doing the Nottingham job for free either, some came a long way when everyone is alleged skint.
GO1 # 9
Funny how you associate me with totalitarian regimes when as a long term contributor to this blog you should know my position as far as Proportional Representation.
I'm a bit like barrie in that I don't actually support any party but that is not to say that I am anti democracy. 
It looks as though mainstream party alleged democracy has failed the people of our country.   Government policy is no longer dictated by the people but by the fraudulent Bankers and their stock market parasites.  
Voting for the BNP in the EU elections is the one thing the mainstream politicians fear the most because its a direct attack on their Corporate Nazi quasi-religion.  Voting BNP is the nuclear option as far as protest voting is concerned, if you are eurosceptic anyway, forget UKIP, they have been shown proven to be just as institutionally corrupt as the other alleged " safe " politicians.
KCL #11 try again for some unknown reason
Up until three years ago I was running a 15 year old Peugeot 205 naturally aspirated Diesel, but it was almost completely knackered so having the spare cash I went for a new car.  I chose a 1000cc Kia Picanto, only five and a half grand, no air conditioning or anything fancy, performs as good as the Peugeot and similar Mpg except cheaper on petrol.   Its built very well, proper decent size heavy duty components ( weighs over a ton ) as I found when I first looked under it properly the other day when it flew through the MOT.    I hope to keep it as long as economic, but the EU sneaked though new rules that main dealers need not supply the required computer software to independent garages for servicing etc.
Family electric cars have no real future unless you carry the main batteries in a trailer which can be quickly exchanged at a network of participating charging stations.   No need for expensive nickel, lead acid is proven technology and easy to recycle.  I bet that you could mass produce a practical family electric car for less than 10 grand, all this subsidy is going to achieve is to keep the price up.
dave427 #19
There is one thing for certain and that is that this alleged boost to " green " industries is likely to be little more than a virtual welfare state for the stock market parasites.   I suspect that only members of the current motor section members of the Corporate Multinational Cartel will be allowed to participate.  I bet that I couldn't get funding to develop a practical family electric car for less than £10,000 and have the potential to last 30 years with periodic refurbishment, you could hand it on to your kids when they start driving.
The key would be to place the batteries ( relatively cheap lead acid ) in an exchangeable trailer, with a network of small trailer exchange charging stations around the whole country.   No need for fancy new technology, just learn from the engineering of the past, cut power consumption at low speed by using two motors driving through a differential.   My idea also has the potential to improve regenerative braking.
Of course I will never be allowed to do it because I have not been brainwashed with all the corporate propaganda flaunted while taking a formal degree.
NN 21/04/2009
No doubt tomorrow's budget will be all about enhancing the emerging welfare state for the stock market parasites whilst holding a knife at the throat of potentially expanding small businesses ?
Whilst most of the quasi religious commentators are focusing on the token 50p tax rate for those on over 150k ( should have been 50p on over 50k to do any good ) Panda has sneaked in extra private tax.   Funds for useless new wind farms ( 550 million ) are to be paid for ROC obligations via everyone's energy bills, extra percentage increase not specified.
Gordon Brown preaches fiscal stimulus, but Panda has just reintroduced a new  Road Fuel Tax Escalator we have just had almost 3p a litre on road fuel, in addition to that put on to compensate for a cut in VAT last December. Despite the rhetoric, this must indicate an overall tax increase despite the alleged VAT cut, and fuel costs all add to inflation for 90% of the " economically active ". All this reduces our global competitiveness, it looks like transport costs finally got Verison a car part company with one " main " plant in Northern Ireland, transport costs probably killed Woolworths over Christmas. Transporting bulky goods is not that fuel efficient per ton, large vans mean that you are dragging the wind around all day.  Blair's faithfull Corporate Nazi mate Charles Clarke claims that introducing Toll Roads would be a good way to fleece the public to pay down the mega deficit.

Its all part of a " Corporate Nazi " ideology where large corporations lobby government to make everything as inefficient ( difficult ) and expensive as possible, especially for people living in rural areas. A key part of the " Corporate Nazi " plan is the systematic dismantling of our welfare state whilst at the same time providing a virtual welfare state for the Banks and their stock market parasites, increasing the divide between rich and poor.

Not much hope from the Tories either, they have just brought Ken Clarke back onto their front bench in a senior position. Those with a good memory will recall that when chancellor,he was the original architect of the Road Fuel Tax Escalator, likewise raising the duty on diesel to make it more expensive than petrol. Unfortunately the Tories have not ruled out increases in " green " taxes if they as expected win the next general election.  I can't understand why the BBC keep inviting Clarke to comment on finance when he has got dirty underpants when it comes to discussing opposition to road fuel tax policy.

The Lib-Dumbocrats are the puppets of the eco-fascists and will definitely massively increase road fuel taxes on the strength that they will cut the basic rate of income tax by 4p. However that's not much use to you if you are currently struggling to run your car in order to get to work on near minimum wage. I believe that the Association of British Drivers once calculated that current fuel duty is the equivalent of 10p on the basic rate of tax for anyone earning minimum wage on an average commute.

It looks as though mainstream party alleged democracy has failed the people of our country. Government policy is no longer dictated by the people but by the fraudulent Bankers and their stock market parasites. High road fuel tax is a tool they use to close down our manufacturing industry, the bankers look on it that its more profitable for them to sit in an office and change money on the resultant extra imports.

The only party offering cuts in road fuel duty is the BNP, but they have no real prospect of ever becoming an influence on government. However they do stand a fair chance of winning several seats at the coming EU elections under PR, in which everyone gets at least some influence on the outcome. Its not as if MEP's have a huge influence over UK government policy but voting BNP at the EU elections could teach the mainstream parties a valuable lesson. ID cards, Bin Tax, Toll Roads, Average Speed Cameras and other potential infringements of personal freedom have not gone away despite the theoretical temporary suspension or none take up of policy by local authorities. If you don't like the members you get you can always throw them out at the next election.

Voting for the BNP is the one thing the mainstream politicians fear the most because its a direct attack on their Corporate Nazi quasi-religion. Voting BNP is the nuclear option as far as protest voting is concerned, if you are eurosceptic anyway, forget UKIP, they have been shown proven to be just as institutionally corrupt as the other alleged " safe " politicians.

Some say that the BNP are hardly attractive, but , " attractiveness " has got nothing to do with it. The BNP don't dispute the Holocaust, just the figures and I believe that even the Auschwitz plaque proclaiming 4 million deaths had been recently replaced with one stating the correct figure of 1.2 million.

The BNP are German Nazi analogy is pure spin, but perhaps what system we currently have as far as personal freedoms go is far worse than the NSPD could ever of dreamed of. In fact the first thing Hitler did when he occupied Holland was introduce identity cards to all Dutch citizen. The Nazis could never have dreamed of the technology we have in our country for tracking the movement of individuals. Almost everybody has a mobile phone, but that's not good enough, now they make up excuses to increase technology to track everybody's car movements.

The key is to fight fire with fire, and as I say the BNP are the nuclear option when it comes down to protest voting.  barrie suggests a column for none of the above on ballot papers, but voting BNP at the EU elections is a valid option to produce real change in UK politics.

Unfortunately there are some really nasty people out there who are not averse to the prospect of a civil war if democracy fails them. Successive governments have seen this coming and perhaps one good reason that they have installed traffic calming in Asian areas in big towns is to help control any future civil unrest. Of course they have it in " rough " white dominated estates also, where the chattering classes consider a large proportion of the inhabitants are at or near the poverty line.

Humps in the road are an ideal protection against anyone stealing a service vehicle in an attempt to break out through the gates. Impossible to get any decent speed up if there are humps everywhere. Its only one easy step to ring fencing certain areas of towns and turning them into virtual Warsaw type ghettos. Nobody will be let in or out without a permit, plenty of work for private security guard companies now that much housing is under the control of housing associations. I believe that locked gates have already been installed on some " alley's ".

Things look particularly bleak if you are currently classified " disabled ", new more strict tests will ensure that many will be forced onto JSA with no realistic prospect of ever even being considered for any job they could actually do. A report out today states that people on state benefits can no longer afford to eat properly whatever the government rhetoric on healthy eating. Most of them probably spent last winter freezing to death because the couldn't afford the energy bill, ours was 835 quid quarter to February, only an average modernized house if ancient. Porritt let the cat out of the bag when he could not deny that the eco-fascists had plans to reduce the UK population to 30 million. That probably includes most of the " poor " people who can simply not afford to live here anymore due to " green " taxes etc.

It would appear that there is to be no welfare state provision for those which fail the virtual corporate compatibility test now used by employment agencies. It is proposed that after a year claimants will be forced to " work " for their benefits. Perhaps many councils and large companies will start employing these ( private agency ) dole slaves for menial tasks instead of giving people a secure full time job with benefits other workers in that company / authority currently enjoy. It would appear that perks like company pensions are no longer economic to support, perhaps they were only ever there in the first place as a bribe to the electorate not to vote for parties sympathetic to the former Soviet block, or any form of nationalization, that corporate justification ended long ago now with the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The stock market parasites are at a bit of a loss because they can't really start any major international war due to the nuclear deterrent. Far easier for them to get their puppet politicians to engineer a situation where a significant number of their population are becoming increasingly desperate for real change. If the BNP winning a few seats at the EU elections can put off the now almost inevitable civil unrest if policy fails to change in our country then I am all for it.
NN 27/04/2009
Perhaps hardly surprising to find that the Corporate Nazi Bush administration, indeed the whole US political establishment had been in breach of their sacred US constitution.   How can we trust them on the climate change question when it is clear that some eco-fascists have plans to reduce at least the UK population by half.   No need to provide the masses with productive jobs if you could have plans to dispose of half the population ( the less wealthy ) apart from a small number of virtual migrant wage slaves on minimum income to do the unpopular jobs.
Al Gore has never come across to me as the brightest tool available in the box, and the same principle would appear to apply to most environmentalists.  Environmentalism is far more dangerous to our human rights than the Islamo-fascists portrayed as Iran with nuclear weapons can ever be.
KCL #10
I myself have a bit of a " green " pedigree, being brought up in the Farming community as a " Craven Indian ".   Whatever I do I try to impose the least impact on the environment as I understand it and the one thing I will not stand for is university boffins coming along dictating to me how to live my life or do my job.  I already run a fuel efficient small car and now some Corporate Nazi comes along and tells me to drive it slower even though I know through my engineering education it will cause more pollution if I do so.
Back in the 1990s I was  a member of a local protest group concerned about serious pollution being generated by or local cement works.  The main factor was the use of toxic waste printing solvents as fuel, but I had suspicions all along that it was also the quality of the imported coal.   I know about coal due to an early interest in mining, and having carted the stuff around in wagons for much of my working life.   Some of the coal being used by the cement works was so bad that even the docker's didn't nick it for free use at home.  I suspect that the waste toluene etc was needed to make the coal burn at all under some conditions.
Anyway, to get back to the story the group was in dialog with the then HMIP and the cement company, I attended the meeting where it was agreed that the latest Flue Gas Scrubber would be installed at the cement plant.   They also changed the coal and went back to cleaner British stuff after I mentioned it at the said meeting.
Also attending the said meeting was a then friend of mine an ex Greenpeace activist who had once been arrested for blocking the outflow pipe at Selafield.  He ran an old LWB Land-Rover, which he needed because he lived at a remote farm in the next valley.  I never met his wife but it was always arranged that she was out when I went to visit him for a chat.   We had lots of interesting discussions on the " environment " and like me he resigned from the said group after the Scrubber project was agreed.  The group tried to keep going but the only people left in it had the sole purpose of closing the quarry and theoretically increasing the value of their homes.
Soon after the scrubber was agreed my friend decided to move away, but this may have been colored by the fact that his wife was experiencing problems with her job a head teacher at a remote school.   It got into the national news that the said school had cancelled Christmas due to the bad behavior of the children.   I can just imagine that if said headmistress was trying to preach eco-fascism to children brought up on farms there would be some friction.
I do not buy the current preaching that a small amount of CO2 is a bad thing, one naturally occurring big volcano could put out more CO2 than man can ever save.   The proposed 80% reduction in man made CO2 is unachievable without drastically reducing the population, yet more CO2 in the atmosphere could improve crop yield to feed more people.
If the sea level could rise we should be concentrating on improving our sea defenses, not acting like King Canute attempting to stop climate change by cutting CO2.
NN 28/04/2009
Unless as I suspect Justin's interview with Ed Miliband is a pre-scripted pre-recorded Corporate Nazi propaganda exercise, perhaps Justin should ask how Miliband proposes to make his ambitious promised 80% cut in UK CO2 emissions without reducing our population by half as some eco-fascists propose.   The 1940s German Nazi racial holocaust blog commentators argue over could become an insignificant part of history.
Anybody who realistically thinks that the UK can cut its CO2 emissions by 50% without significant hardship for the lower income members of the population is bordering on being mentally ill.   I suspect that the truth is probably that the stock market parasites can envisage some new " green " asset bubble to exploit people. 
Only last week Panda put an unspecified extra " private tax " on energy bills to fund wind farms which have the potential to crash the national grid.   This could lead to anarchy in large towns, just what the eco-fascist ethos ordered, but not content with waiting they plan to close down existing coal fired power stations to achieve the same anarchistic ends.
Simon_987 # 5
It just crossed my mind that the obviously stock market parasite investment scam of proposed  " carbon capture " is likely to be paid for by yet another portion of private tax on energy bills.   I believe that we already pay 7% on energy bills to fund " renewable ", perhaps a similar extra percentage will be required for carbon capture projects.   All in all the perfect welfare state for the stock market parasites and you can bet they employ foreign companies so they can also change money on the deal.
Spanner7337 #27
GO1 turned into a pumpkin when I mentioned the water vapour and alleged global warming just the other week.
It would appear that his ten bob fat cat mentality cannot tolerate any deviation from the official Corporate Nazi propaganda Line.    Perhaps he thinks that any future holocaust committed in the name of environmentalism would be a good thing, but then he does claim to support the Lib-Dumbocrats.
NN 30/04/2009
The government have got a valid point on the Gurkhas, Tories preaching thrift yet prepared to spend 1.4 Billion on NHS / social services crippling potential coffin dodging Gurkha natural old age death refugee's.   Allowing all Gurkhas to settle in the UK could seriously damage the Nepal economy, ex UK soldiers living in Nepal on pension must be the best way of providing foreign aid and getting it fairly into local communities.
The Tories are practicing double standards, alleging that the UK disabled are scroungers and appear to value virtual overseas mercenaries more than their own indigenous population.
JJ #8
Picked this up on the local grape vine but apparently Mexican students attending as boarders at a long standing well know catholic " college " were put into quarantine immediately when they returned after the Easter holiday's.   Government probably kept it quiet so as not to spoil stock market options expiry, could have screened passengers from Mexico up to two weeks earlier.

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